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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • Complying with the journal's guidelines

Author Guidelines

1. Texts presented must be original and unpublished

2. Manuscripts may be submitted in Spanish, Catalan, English or French. Two versions of the title, abstract and keywords must be provided: one in the language the article was written in, and the other one in English. Should the article have been written in English, the second version should be in Spanish.

3. Word limit. For titles of contributions: 25 words. For abstracts: 250 words. Authors must also include 5 keywords.

4. Length: essays should range between 3,000 and 10,000 words, including all footnotes and bibliographical references.

5. We do not have strict formatting requirements, but when your manuscript is accepted, you will be requested to format the manuscript according to the journal guidelines:

5.1. Manuscripts should be single-spaced, size 12 points, Font Times New Roman.

5.2. The whole text (including title, headings, subheadings and bibliography) will be justified.

5.3. Manuscript’s title and section headings will be in bold, numbered with Arabic numerals. The use of italics is strictly reserved for emphasis, foreign words or technical terms. It is highly suggested not to include more than 2 heading levels (1.1., 1.2, etc.).

5.4. Contributors should adhere to the standard margins set for Word documents: 2.5 cm for top and bottom margins, and 3 cm for left and right margins.

5.5. Footnotes should be avoided unless highly necessary.

5.6. Illustrations, tables, figures and graphs will be numbered consecutively and run in the text, at the exact location the author wishes them to be placed. These items should additionally be sent as separate documents in JPEG / TIFF format, specifying their source.

5.7. The references section will appear at the end of the manuscript. Bibliographical entries will be ordered alphabetically and will be formatted according to the APA style.

6. When the manuscript is submitted, the information regarding the justification of authorship will be included in a separate document uploaded in "complementary files". This document will specify the contribution of each author to the article.


Monographic section

This section is intended to proposals that correspond both thematically and formally to the call announced

Open section

This section holds papers that are not directly related to the monographic issue of the journal but they are themselves with its object of study: communication and digital culture.


This section is open to book and dissertations reviews from around the world, but whose language of publication is in Spanish, Catalan, English or French.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.