Análisis de casos: influencia que las narrativas periodísticas digitales tienen en el diálogo mediático y el imaginario social sobre los femicidios en Costa Rica


  • Carolina Urcuyo Lara Universidad de Costa Rica
  • Mariana Álvarez Calvo



This research delves into the media narratives and social dialogue surrounding femicides in Costa Rica by analyzing the media coverage of the cases of María Luisa Cedeño and María Tacsan. Through data triangulation and the incorporation of methods such as content analysis and interviews, the study contributes to the understanding of the cognitive and discursive elements in media narratives and user dialogues on femicides. The study concludes that this asymmetrical coverage influences the levels of public interaction, with cases of sexual violence receiving more attention, while failing to address the structural violence and prevention strategies behind the femicides. Additionally, it contributes a unique exploration of the representation of justice in the media regarding women victims of femicides.

