A New Viewer’s Profile: How the Generation Y See Itself Represented on the Screen


  • Rita Aparecida da Conceição Ribeiro Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais (Brasil)




The rise of the internet and the generation that grew up surrounded by electronic devices has radically changed perception and way of interacting with the media production. Especially of those who were born between the 80s and 90s of the twentieth century. Called the Generation Y, these young adults have predominance in the consumption of television series, which are now migrating to the internet. Considered a controversial, dispersive generation but at the same time, collaborative and capable of performing several tasks, this generation grew up influenced by characters from games and TV series. Today, the new ways of TV series consumption are dedicated mostly to this audience and reflect its characteristics. This article discusses the role of series in the constitution of Generation Y by analyzing three series aired in streaming, which outline the profile of this generation: Sense 8, Daredevil and Penny Dreadful.


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