TV News of Canal 9 under Rosa Vidal’s Direction. A Study Using the Delphi Method
In the last stage of RTVV before closing, with Rosa Vidal as general director of the broadcasting station (April-November 2013), according to some authors there was a not expected increasing of plurality never seen in the last twenty years. This attempt to recover the basis of the service, which should characterize public television –journalistic independenceand the fact of providing an informative narration of quality– lasted only seven months, just before the abrupt end of the broadcasting ordered on November 5th 2013. The intention of managers was to recover the prestige of the news programmes, and to restore transparency and governance in the channel. And through them, to get the rising of the confidence, and the television audience buried in a brutal debt and in a continuous spiral of corruption in recent years. The approach to this last stage is done using Delphi type polls, conducted by a selected panel of experts. The group that focuses the analysis consists of managers, supervisors that performed their task from the Board of governors, and representatives of workers.References
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