Podemos: a New Discourse Frame in Times of Crisis. Social Networking Site and Media Leadership
The discourse as an element of power/antipower and generator of ideologies is the subject of this article, in which we analyze the discourse construction of Podemos and the media used for its publishing. We are using a critical discourse methodology according to Van Dijk (Wodak and Meyer, 2003), through which we examine what could be the ideology of the new political formation stated by its leader, Pablo Iglesias, in the presentation of Ganar o Morir, Lecciones Políticas en Juego de Tronos. From this analysis, we conclude that Podemos has created an own and differentiated discourse, has chosen the language which connects with their vision of life, has redefined words and has achieved to fit them into the political space. This discourse not only has occupied the urban space they started from, but also the free space in the internet and, from there, it has jumped to the traditional media. Unlike the old political parties tied first to press, radio, T.V. and social networks only at the end, the journey of Podemos was in the opposite direction and, from the net, like the social movements of last generation, they spread a discourse which became viral and demolished the barrier of the traditional news media. Podemos shows itself like they define themselves. They identify with people, and promote horizontal messages through the Internet, conceived as a discussion forum and, over all, as a means to action. The last ingredient of Podemos’ potion is the raising of a media celebrity leader who has located the party on the front page of the biggest media.
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