The transparency of Popular Party and Ciudadanos on their websites. Analysis of the electoral campaigns of 2015 and 2016


  • María Díez-Garrido Universidad de Valladolid



The digital society demands greater institutional and political transparency, inuenced by the openness and accessibility characteristics of the Internet. The election campaign is the time for political parties to show how they want to act in government. This research aims to analyze what the parties say about their commitment to transparency and how transparent they are, in fact, during the electoral campaign. Thus, it tries to measure the level of transparency of Partido Popular and Ciudadanos during the election campaigns of 2015 and 2016 for the General Elections. For this, a quantitative and semi- qualitative content analysis was approached from the project of Dader, Campos and Quintana (2011) on the transparency of the organization, the transparency of the campaign activity, the transparency of the participation with the citizens, Transparency of data and computer tools and the transparency portal. The results allow us to observe an improvement between 2015 and 2016, as well as the dierences between what they proclaim in their electoral programs and the reality of their portals of transparency. 

Author Biography

María Díez-Garrido, Universidad de Valladolid

María Díez-Garrido es investigadora predoctoral en la Universidad de Valladolid y maestra en Investigación de la Comunicación como Agente Histórico-Social. Es colaboradora en el Grupo de Investigación Reconocido Nuevas Tendencias en Comunicación (NUTECO) y miembro del Grupo de Reflexión y Estudio de Comunicación Online  de la Universidad de Valladolid. Es miembro del equipo de investigación del proyecto “Las estrategias de campaña online de los partidos políticos españoles 2015-2016” (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España. Sus trabajos como investigadora han abordado fundamentalmente la comunicación digital, la transparencia y el gobierno abierto.


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