Participation and Deliberation in the Digital Public Sphere: Debate on Twitter, Facebook and Online Media in the Cases of El País and El Mundo


  • Dafne Calvo Universidad de Valladolid



The beginning of Web 2.0. in the early years of this century has attracted widespread scholarly interest in the Internet’s ability to provide citizens greater participation in the public sphere. Participation platforms arranged by the online media, and the launch of social networks like Twitter and Facebook, have sparked debate about whether these new tools allow users to acquire a more active role as citizens in public affairs. In this article we present the results of a specific study on the topics for debate and participation forms the Spaniards performed in the digital public sphere. Thus, it is composed by a quantitative and semi- qualitative analysis in which we collected 815 comments written in the online media and, as well as their respective Twitter and Facebook profiles. In a first phase we analyze the content of these messages. In a second phase, we register daily ten trending topics –70 in total– and we study their correlation with the concerns expressed in the Spanish CIS Barometer and with the subject of the most commented pieces. The results reveal a tendency towards the topics proposed by the CIS Barometer –corruption and rigging, economic issues, etc.–, but not with trending topics. In general, the online debate has scanty argumentation and little interaction among the users involved in the discussion. 


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