The expansion of the fictional universe of The X-Files on social TV




The social TV marks the convergence of television experience with social media. The phenomenon refers to content sharing through social networks and second screen apps simultaneously to television broadcasting. In this context, this article aims to discuss the features explored by Fox during The X-Files 10th season to engage the interacting viewers with social TV. We analysed the dialogue between the fictional universe of the series and the backchannel through a monitoring of @thexfiles profile postings on Twitter during the exhibition of series episodes.

Biografies de l'autor/a

Daiana Sigiliano, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Master in communication from the Federal University of Juiz de Fora. Member of the Research Group on Networks, Immersive Environments and Languages (UFJF) and researcher of the Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction.

Gabriela Borges, Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora

Master and PhD in Communication and Semiotics at PUC-SP, with internships at Autonomous Universities in Barcelona, Dublin Trinity College and Algarve, researcher at the Ibero-American Observatory of Television Fiction.Professor and coordinator of the Graduate Program in Communication at UFJF. E-mail:


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